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Independent Living Villages

Virtual Reality Case Study by Inspace XR

Specialist Disability Accommodation by ILV

"Independent Living Villages (ILV) is a registered charity that builds homes for people with significant functional impairment and/or very high support needs because of their disability."

The Challenges

Independent living villages have four key challenges when building and selling their homes:


With only 2D renders and floor plans, people find it difficult to visualise the actual size and scale of a property. It's been a common challenge in our industry for decades and independent living villages find this to be true with their own projects.

Support coordinators, functionally impaired people and their families find it challenging to visualise the ILV homes before they were built.

Transport & Accessibility

Finding wheel chair accessible transport can be very difficult.

If they do manage to organise transport and the site is under construction it's hard for someone in a wheelchair to get around without access to lifts and stairs. They can only view the property from a street view.


Much like property development industry, if there isn't an occupier after the property is built there can be a significant financial loss.

Once the support coordinator and the family decide they would like to move into the property, the approval process to receive Specialist Disability Accommodation payments from NDIS can take up to 6 months, which means there is a vacant ILV property for the same period of time.

How does this impact ILV financially?
If ILV have a property vacant whilst the SDA payments are being approved, they can lose up to $1000 of income a day ($180,000 every 6 months).


An immersive VR walk-through at the finger tips

ILV partnered with Inspace XR to create a virtual reality experience allowing people to go through the project homes. It allowed them to visually feel the space and understand what the property will look like once it is complete.

During a 3 week period ILV and Kennedy associates gave their review and feedback twice before completing the fully immersive VR experience.

With an easy to use guided document, ILV are able to quickly set up the demo anywhere any time making accessibility to the technology quick and simple.


  • Resident reactions of VR are amazingly positive.
  • Financially, the virtual reality experience immensely aided ILV in the sales process. Whilst the Specialist Disability Accommodation payments process can take up to 6 months ILV were able to start building the Jordan springs homes' and have them completed during the same period so that they had tenancy from day one and weren't losing $1000 income a day.
  • Including residents, their families and support coordinators, ILV have taken the hardware to over XX locations without transport or accessibility issues.
  • ILV are able to set up a laptop and VR headset in less than 10 minutes to show groups of prospective residents and their families the properties before they start construction.
  • ILV are using their unique VR experience at events and open days to promote their properties and brand. It's a great way to generate new leads at events helping people to attend open days.


Linsday Kelly

CEO & Director at Independent Living Villages

Open Ceremony for Specialist Disability Accommodation in Werrington, November 2018

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Wayne Wanders

CFO at Independent Living Villages

Virtual Reality at Inspace XR

Get in touch with Suraj and chat about how Virtual Reality can impact your property

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